The object is to hire services to perform the design of an Open Innovation tool which allows the dynamization and activation of the SUSMILK Community. Therefore, in the project form it is said that the stakeholders community created (SUSMILK Community) will be activate by an open innovation tool which will allow that they were informed about the project progress and about other interesting news for the stakeholders connected with energy and water saving in the agrofood sector. FEUGA will sub-contract the ICT Open Innovation Tool development.
According to the requirements listed in the previous paragraph derived directly from the consolidated application form, providing this service must meet the following conditions:
1. Observe the general aspects of Dissemination strategy & plan of SUSMILK (see Annex I).
2. Observe the general aspects of the stakeholders’ profiles and the activity of the SUSMILK Community defined in the first version of the Community Action Plan (see Annex II). In the Community Action Plan, SUSMILK Community members are identified (that is, the main stakeholders of the project), their needs and interests to participate and interact within the Community are described and possible actions or services to be offered are defined.
3. The open innovation tool must offer or allow:
3.1. Quality information to users previously filtered and validated.
3.2. To add, search or find contents to the different tool users.
3.3. To create a newsletter.
3.4. The adapted access to the interests of the different stakeholders, so that they can configure the tool according to their preferences and needs.
3.5. The visibility of the main sector agents: food research, dairy industry and technological providers.
3.6. To create a channel that allows the first contact with a person or an entity of the Community.
3.7. To include the means needed to generate trust and confidence among the users of the Community dynamized in base of the open innovation tool.
4. Propose the most efficient solution, trying to appeal to the existing digital tools to dynamize the stakeholders’ activity. The design of new tools or digital means will be used only if it is essential to achieve the dissemination objectives established in the Community Action Plan.
Proposals to take part in the tendering may be submitted either in person, at the headquarters of FEUGA in Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa s / n, 15705 Santiago de Compostela, either by registered mail or by email to innovacion@feuga.es. The delay is the 9th of September, 2014 at 00:00 hours in Spain.