OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT: The object is hiring the services of a professional or expert specialized in Trunk Diseases and Flavescence Dorée to perform the role of Facilitator Agent (FA) in La Rioja. The FA is a new professional profile whose main task is to work at regional and European level to interconnect companies, researchers and other relevant actors facilitating the information and knowledge exchange between them. FA is the key of the success because it allows to all actors involved being in permanent contact.
BUDGET: Fifteen thousand euros (15,000€)
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: The deadline for submission of tenders will be 8 working days from the day following to publish the information at the FEUGA website and social networks: 10 September 2015
• Tax details of the bidder entity.
• Legal representative.
• Curriculum Vitae.
• Total budget (excluding VAT). Applicable taxes will be in the terms established by law at the time they are incurred.
CONTACT EMAIL: feuga@feuga.es