We welcome the NOVATERRA project progress and results event


The European H2020 NOVATERRA project in which we participate, will hold a hybrid conference next Thursday 26 October at 10 am. The day will consist of presenting the research project, progress and first results so far, where representatives of the participating entities will give context of the work they are doing to meet the proposed objectives.

As part of the project’s dissemination activities, this conference is organised to raise awareness among the different agents in the sector and the general public of the objectives and activities being carried out in the research project.

The conference we are organising will be attended by representatives of the various organisations involved in the project, IRTA, CREDA, University of Burgos, PTV, Terras Gauda and UPC.

  • When: Thursday, 26 October, at 10:00h.
  • Where: Hybrid
  • Duration: 10:00h – 14:00 h.
  • Check the programme here
  • Register here

NOVATERRA aims to reduce the negative impact of pesticides for integrated pest management in olive groves and vineyards. Coordinated by IRTA, it involves a consortium of 23 organisations from 6 countries: Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Belgium. Launched in October 2020, the 4-year project has received co-funding from the H2020 programme to the tune of nearly 5 million euros.