The InnovationGUIDE project, in which we participate, focuses on identifying regional needs and connecting rural innovation ecosystems in the agriculture, fishing, sustainable tourism, and bioeconomy sectors to foster entrepreneurship and economic development in four European regions: Turkey, the Netherlands, Malta, and Spain.
Do you want to be part of this great network we are building? Sign up and:
- You will become part of an international network that integrates various actors facing similar challenges.
- You will have access to valuable information about rural entrepreneurship: contact with network members and other key actors identified at the European level, ways to connect with different ecosystems, access to funding opportunities, information on how to address gender perspective or common problems and needs.
- You will be able to participate in activities aimed at promoting future projects and entering a circle of potential future entry into new opportunities.
- We will notify you of the regional workshop and an interregional online workshop that will be held down the line.
What are the objectives of the InnovationGUIDE project?
- Engage all actors from different ecosystems in workshops aimed at developing new actions focused on entrepreneurship for rural economic development through the generation of tailor-made interregional coaching, training, and capacity-building programs.
- Attract and retain talent to promote the development of rural areas.
- Create more sustainable innovation ecosystems in rural areas.
What other benefits are sought?
- Help the rural entrepreneurship ecosystem access innovation support and establish business relationships and/or synergies in addition to understanding the perspective of innovation ecosystem agents at the European level by fostering dialogue among stakeholders, mapping and analyzing needs, opportunities, and involved agents, thus identifying areas of competitive advantage for sustainable economic growth.
- Influence policymakers to develop programs and action plans to support innovation ecosystems.
- Connect the academic world with the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in rural areas.
- Obtain a transferable methodology in other European projects/initiatives and allow better results in presenting future funding initiatives.
- Establishment of collaborations/partnerships: regional and national innovation agencies, academic institutions related to rural innovation, industry-related associations, and Communities of Knowledge and Innovation of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT KICs).
How can you participate?
- Register here: Stakeholder mapping | InnovationGUIDE (innoguide.eu)
- Take note! A regional event will be organized in Galicia, Spain, taking place between May and June, with the aim of involving all agents of the quadruple helix in the analysis of the rural entrepreneurship situation in the agro-marine, tourism, and bioeconomy sectors.
- You will be able to participate in the interregional online event that will connect you with rural entrepreneurial ecosystems from different participating European regions to share knowledge and experiences around rural entrepreneurship and innovation.
Are you in? Learn more about the project here!