The MICOALGA-FEED Operational Group, of which FEUGA is representative, organises, in the framework of the dissemination activities of the project, the first chat with agents of the sector. This chat will be focused on one of the axis of the project: microalgae and, more precisely, their use and applications as fertilizers in agriculture.
- When: Thursday, 9th of June, 10 a.m.
- Where: online event on Teams (the link will be sent after registration)
- Duration: 1h.
- Free registrations: https://forms.gle/HitHgCzBdRRC5gCWA
The event will count with the participation of David Suárez, from Neoalgae, a microalgae cultivation Asturian company and member of the MICOALGA-FEED project. The advantages and benefits of the use of microalgae in agriculture will be explained through different successive experiences and projects recently executed or currently in execution by Neoalgae. All these projects are, precisely, focused on exploring new applications and uses of the microalgae in agriculture. Microalgae, under study in numerous innovation projects from different fields, provide huge benefits to plants due to their bioestimulant capacity, enhancing plant growing and fruit quality. Furthermore, microalgae provide protection against parasites and fungal diseases.
Besides, the event will also count with the participation of Ángel Sanabria, from FEUGA, who will explain before the public the MICOALGA-FEED innovation project. This project, of which FEUGA is representative and responsible of the dissemination activities, explores further applications of the microalgae in the livestock sector. MICOALGA-FEED is studying different microalgae varieties to assay their immunomodulatory and antimicrobial capacity. The objective of these studies is to identify those with higher capacity to add them to animal feed as functional ingredient. Thus, the project seeks to improve animal welfare through food, which will mean less diseases and, therefore, less needs of drugs and treatments.
MICOALGA-FEED is an innovation project 80% co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) of the European Union and 20% by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, within the framework of the National Rural Development Program 2014-2020. The General Directorate of Rural Development, Innovation and Agrifood Training (GDRDIAT) is the authority in charge of the application of these aids. Total project budget: 524,847.66€. Total grant: 505,519.66€.
FEUGA is responsible of this content.