Seminar 1

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Responsable: FEUGA. Finalidad: prestación de servicios como usuario y ofrecer otras informaciones de Feuga. Legitimación: suscripción, interés legítimo y consentimiento. Derechos: Acceder, rectificar, oponerse al tratamiento, suprimir los datos y otros derechos, como se explica pormenorizadamente en la política de privacidad que ha de leer y aceptar.

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Ideal for work meetings or courses, covering 46 square metres and with a capacity of 20-30 people, depending on the type of layout used (head-on, U-shape, round table or workshop) located on the lower floor of the FEUGA building, with a hall measuring 132 square metres.

CAPACITY 25 people

SIZE 46 square metres



1 fixed projection screen measuring 200x120cm

1 video projector

Internet connection

Possibility of installing any type of audio-visual equipment


Wooden tables with individual chairs

Teacher’s table with chair

Fixed whiteboard


Full time: 250 €. Part time: 150 €. Prices do not include VAT.


40% discount for Foundation partners, except for technical personnel, translator, hostesses, cafeteria and photocopies.
25% discount for companies installed in the CEDE, except for technical personnel, translator, hostesses, cafeteria and photocopies.

If you wish to rent this space for the organization of an event, please contact us presenting your project and indicating the date you would like to organize it.


Hall 1
Hall 2
Seminar 2