The online seminar of the Multi-Forest project explores the multifunctionality and comprehensive valorization of the forest


The Galician Operational Group Multi-Forest will organize an online webinar on Thursday, July 18, at 10:00 AM to present the innovation project, whose main objective is to promote the multifunctionality of forests through diversification and compatibility of their uses with a comprehensive valorization. This includes innovating in planning and management by considering new opportunities for revaluing the Galician rural area through resilient, competitive, viable, and diverse agroforestry use.

The Galician Operational Group Multi-Forest, established in 2023, aims to enhance and revalue the forestry and agro-livestock sectors by revitalizing low-productivity areas with viable and resilient alternatives in response to new climate change scenarios. This involves making the different uses of the forest compatible, both existing ones (forest plantations, extensive livestock, pasture, beehives, etc.) and new ones (shiitake mushroom cultivation and berries), thereby diversifying its activity through the development of eco-innovative measures and tools.

As part of the project’s dissemination activities, this free online webinar is organized to inform various sector agents and the general public about the project’s objectives, ongoing activities, and progress. During the session, representatives from the four Galician entities involved in the project will discuss their roles and the positive impact on the forestry and agro-livestock sectors.

The webinar will begin with a presentation of the project by the coordinating entity, the Galician University-Business Foundation (FEUGA), and will continue with participation from the Baroña Community of Common Neighboring Forests (CMVMC Baroña), the Galician Association for Forest Certification Promotion (PEFC Galicia), and the University of Vigo (UVigo) through the Hydro-Forestry Geomodelling Research Group of the School of Agroforestry Engineering.

When: Thursday, July 18, at 10:00 AM.

Where: Online, via Zoom

Duration: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Registrations: Link

You can download the webinar program here.

Multi-Forest is funded by the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational groups’ innovation project grants, co-financed at 80% by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) under the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan (CAP) 2023-2027, with 14% from the Xunta de Galicia’s own funds and 6% from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food. The Ministry of Rural Affairs is the Galician administration body responsible for proposing and implementing general guidelines in the rural area, encompassing competencies in agriculture, livestock, rural development, regional planning, agri-food and forestry industries, forests, and wildfire prevention and defense.

Total BIO_MARTERRA Budget: €179,980.81 (100% subsidized)