The Ministry of Industry has announced the launch of Agro-food PERTE II, a strategic initiative endowed with 100 million euros. This second edition of the Plan aims to continue driving the transformation, sustainability, and modernization of the agro-food industry in Spain.
Unlike the first edition of the Plan, this second one will use a simple competitive process for awarding funds. This means that projects will be approved and financed as they are submitted, which can significantly speed up the disbursement of funds. This approach is designed to facilitate access to financing for both individual projects and a new specific support line for SMEs.
Plan Structure
Agro-food PERTE II is structured into three main lines of action:
- Research, Development, and Innovation: Includes industrial research projects, experimental development, innovation in organization and processes, with a minimum fundable budget of 800,000 euros for SMEs and 1,500,000 euros for large companies.
- Innovation in Sustainability and Energy Efficiency: Focused on innovative investments for environmental protection and energy savings. The minimum budget will be 400,000 euros for SMEs and 1,000,000 euros for large companies.
- SME Investment: Exclusively aimed at SMEs for investments in tangible and intangible assets related to production in the agro-food industry. Like the previous line, this one also has a budget limit of 400,000 euros for SMEs and 1,000,000 euros for large companies.
Within these lines, the program prioritizes projects that contribute to the circular economy, eco-innovation, decarbonization, energy efficiency, the use of new renewable energy sources, and the reduction of pollutant emissions. Advanced materials and products, innovation in quality and safety processes, and projects based on digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and sensor technology will also be promoted.
The grants will cover up to 70% of costs for small companies in industrial research projects and up to 50% in process and organization innovation projects. Investments in energy efficiency and environmental protection can receive up to 60% aid for small companies.
Deadlines and Eligible Beneficiaries
Private commercial companies, cooperatives, and agricultural transformation societies (SATs) that develop an industrial activity in Spain can apply for these grants. Eligible activities include the processing, production, or transformation of food, beverage manufacturing, and others.
Eligible investments and expenses will be those made from the day following the submission of the application until March 31, 2027, with the possibility of extensions. Both the official application opening date and submission channels will be announced on the official PERTE page soon and are expected to be published after summer.
With the launch of Agro-food PERTE II, the Government reaffirms its commitment to innovation and sustainability in one of the most strategic sectors for the Spanish economy and seeks to replicate the success of the first edition, which awarded 182 million euros.
From the Innovation and National Projects Department at FEUGA, we can advise you. If you need help submitting your project in this second call for Agro-food PERTE, contact us.