National projects


GO PURINPRECISO: Intelligent control system and digital documentation of slurry application equipment for the optimization of its use as fertilizer

The publication in the BOE of the Royal Decree 1051/2022, of December 27, establishes standards for sustainable nutrition in agricultural soils, forcing the use of a system that determines the actual nutrient content of the slurry at the time of its application. It is for this reason that the PURINPRECISO project seeks to develop and test an equipment for the analysis, control and digital documentation in real time of the application of slurry with tank distributors for its use as fertilizer and thus comply with the provisions of RD 1051/2022. For this purpose, an intelligent system will be designed and evaluated to perform the following functions:

  • Determine during slurry application the main nutrient content of the fertilizer.
  • Regulate the application rate in real time to apply the correct amount of nutrient demanded by the soil and the crop.
  • Inform the tractor driver in real time of the parameters that guarantee a uniform application of the nutrient: amount of nutrient applied, slurry dose applied and actual forward speed.
  • Digitally record in a geolocalized way the application parameters in the computer system of the equipment to guarantee the traceability of the operation performed.
  • Export the documentation of the work in a format compatible with the digital export notebook.

The potential outcomes expected from this project are:

  • Quantification of the content of the main nutrients in the slurry loaded into the distributor tank during application will increase the efficiency of nutrient utilization by immediately adjusting fertilization rates.
  • Carrying out mechanized slurry application works with greater precision and uniformity, reducing the environmental impact of organic fertilizers in the natural environment and recording and storing digitally and geolocated all the applications carried out.
  • Providing farmers and ranchers with a decision support system using affordable technology to improve the efficiency of slurry applications.
  • Improving the competitiveness of slurry tank manufacturing companies in Galicia by equipping their machines with innovative technology that allows them to comply with current regulations and is easy for operators to use.

This project is financed by grants for the implementation of innovative projects of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational groups, co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan (CAPP) 2023-2027. The Consellería del Medio Rural is the body of the Galician Administration which is responsible for proposing and executing the general guidelines in the rural area and encompasses competencies in agriculture, livestock, rural development and regional planning, rural structures, agri-food and forestry industries, forestry, prevention and defense against forest fires. Budget: 180,000.00 €.

The project is formed by a multidisciplinary team composed of Talleres Carruxo SL, the R+D+I groups BioModem, Artificial Vision and Computer Architecture of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), SAT As Pandas, the Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega (FEUGA) and, as a cooperating entity, the Centro Investigacións Agrarias Mabegondo (CIAM-Agacal).

Download the informative brochure: ES


180.000,00€ (100% subsidized)





  • Talleres Carruxo SL
  • The R+D+I groups BioModem, Computer Vision and Computer Architecture of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC)
  • SAT As Pandas
  • Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega (FEUGA)

Cooperating entity:

  • Centro Investigacións Agrarias Mabegondo (CIAM-Agacal)


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