Production of mycorrhized chestnut trees through in vitro cultivation and selection of IXP varieties
In Galicia, chestnut trees are one of the most profitable crops. Moreover, they are part of the native ecosystem, enhancing the traditional landscape and preventing fires. However, traditional production systems are not efficient and are unable to satisfy the demand. It is crucial to reach profitable and sustainable production systems which allow a higher production and a better quality of the final product, guaranteeing its safety.
GREENCASTANEA is a pilot project which seeks to modernise the chestnut trees cultivation. Its final objective is to improve the profitability of the traditional chestnut through multifunctionality and by using Galician IXP (Protected Geographic Indication, for its acronym in Galician) varieties, making science available to the farmers and improving the characteristics of their products.
An innovative, efficient and sustainable system will be implemented to produce the traditional chestnut trees varieties, which will be engrafted by in vitro cultivation and mycorrhized with Boletus edulis produced in a liquid environment. Furthermore, a thermohydrotreatment will allow to disinfect the vegetal material for the engraft, guaranteeing the health of the plants.
To develop this innovation project, GREENCASTANEA will apply:
- In vitro cultivation techniques.
- Mycorrhization biotechnological techniques.
- Thermohydrotherapy biotechnological techniques.
- Biotechnological techniques for the clone selection and molecular identification.
Finally, in an experimental demonstrative plot, the characteristics and yield of the obtained chestnut trees will be assessed.
Pilot projects
Pilot projects are comprised by multidisciplinary entities and professionals with the aim of encouraging the cooperation and enhancing innovation and investigation in the farming, livestock, forestry and/or agri-food sectors.
GREENCASTANEA is funded by the grants to support pilot projects, develop of new products, processes and technologies in the agri-forestry scope, cofunded by the European Agricultural Fund for the Rural Development (EAFRD), in the framework of the 2014-2020 Galician Rural Development Program (RDP). The Consellería do Medio Rural is the Galician Administration authority responsible for proposing and executing the general guidelines in the rural scope, and it encompasses powers in agriculture, livestock, rural development and regional planning, rural structures, agri-food and forestry industries, mountains and prevention and defence against forest fires.
Project duration
April 2021 – July 2023
€150,000.00 - UE cofund: 75% EAFRD
Beneficiary entity:
Cooperant agents:
- Galician University-Enterprise Foundation (FEUGA).
- University of Vigo (UVigo), through the Agrobiotech for Health Research Group.
- Protected Geographic Indication (IXP) Chestnut from Galicia
- Soutos Sativa, S.L.