Increase in the mycological productivity of Galician pine forests
Galicia has a high potential for mycological production in its pine forests which is being underutilized due to lack of silvicultural care to reconcile timber production and mycological production. Proper selection of cutting cycles, application of clearing, and management of stand density to ensure the individual vigor of each tree are the most appropriate mechanisms for improving productivity both in quantity and quality of carpophores. These management practices should be incorporated into management and planning instruments and adequately implemented by the owning communities.
The COGOMELOS+ operative group aims to increase the mycological productivity of radiata pine forest systems, including new clearing machinery and economically evaluating the alternative of extending cutting cycles and intensifying mycological exploitation, establishing a demonstrative model of mycoforestry management. It will also provide guidelines for forest management considering mycological productivity.
COGOMELOS+ is funded by grants for the implementation of operative groups from the European Innovation Partnership (EIP), co-financed at 75% by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) under the framework of the Rural Development Program (RDP) of Galicia 2014-2020. Total budget €179,996.95 (100% subsidized).
The Department of Rural Affairs is the body of the Galician Administration responsible for proposing and implementing general guidelines in rural areas, encompassing responsibilities in agriculture, livestock, rural development, regional planning, rural structures, agri-food and forestry industries, forests, and prevention and defense against forest fires.
Download the informational brochure: ES | GL | EN
179.996,95€ - 75% FEADER
Fundación Empresa – Universidad Gallega (FEUGA)
Servitec Medioambiente (entidad representante)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (grupo Unidad de Gestión Forestal Sostenible)