Complaints Channel

What is the Ethical/Complaints Channel of FUNDACIÓN EMPRESA-UNIVERSIDAD GALLEGA (FEUGA)?

FEUGA Ethics/Complaints Channel is a means to report irregular conduct, administrative infractions, crimes or regulatory breaches that affect FEUGA, as well as violations of the internal policies established in the entity.

With the establishment of this channel, FEUGA is committed to the principles of legality and transparency, so any communication related to poor financial, accounting, commercial, securities or compliance practices that may affect FEUGA will lead to an investigation with the in order to clarify the facts and correct, where appropriate, the situation.

Who can report?

You have the obligation to report when you become aware of signs of acts of fraud, corruption or conflict of interest.

Employees, associates, collaborators, users, suppliers and third parties interested in or affected by the activity carried out by the entity can report, and this can be done anonymously.

How to send a complaint?

Communication will be made through the form designed for this purpose, and at FEUGA we guarantee total confidentiality.

This mechanism is also established to receive queries about doubts that may arise in the application of FEUGA’s internal rules and procedures.

For correct management, the communications received must provide the necessary data to be able to carry out the analysis of the reported events, so they must:

  • Contain a detailed explanation of the facts.
  • Identify the person(s) (corporate, departmental or physical location of the events) involved with the reported behavior or with knowledge of it.
  • Moment in which the event occurred or has been occurring.
  • Provide, if deemed necessary, documents, files or other information deemed relevant for the evaluation and resolution of the complaint.

False complaint: For false complaints, the sanctions established in the FEUGA sanctioning regime will be applied.

Confidentiality and monitoring

You can choose to submit a report confidentially or anonymously.

1. Confidential: If the complainant decides to send the report with contact information, the report manager could contact him or her to provide further information, if necessary.

2. Anonymous: If the complainant decides to send the report anonymously, they must keep the CODE generated for the incident, since it is the only way they will have to follow up on the report and check if the manager requires additional information.


FEUGA, in carrying out its functions, is subject to compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these. data (RGPD or GDPR known by its acronym in English), and the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, as indicated in more detail in our Privacy Policy Privacy.


If you have any problems when communicating the complaint or want to ask any questions, you can send a communication to