National projects


Ferviña is a Galician Operational Group which carries out a project whose overall objective is the development of an integrated system of sustainable fertilization in the Galician agricultural viticultural sector, through strategies that allow establishing reference levels for the nutritional diagnosis and thus achieving a reduction of the economic and environmental impacts.

Operational Groups are one of the main tools for the execution of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 for promoting innovation in the agri-food and forestry sectors. Operational Groups gather agents of different profiles with common interests, such as farmers, ranchers, companies, researchers or training and dissemination actors, who are associated to implement an innovation project in order to provide a joint and multi-sectorial response to a problem or need.

Consellería do Medio Rural is the body of the Galician Administration responsible for proposing and executing general guidelines for the rural development, including competences in agriculture, animal breeding, forest planning and management, defense of the forest, rural development and regional management, rural structures and agri-food industries.

FERVIÑA is financed by funds for the execution of projects of the operational groups of the European Innovation Association (AEI), 75% co-funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), within the framework of the Rural Development Program (PDR) of Galicia 2014-2020.

Brochure (Spanish).


UE co-funding: 75% EAFRD


100.000,00 euros


  • Viña Costeira S.C.G. (operational group representant)
  • Cooperativa Vitivinícola Arousana (Winey Paco&Lola)
  • Axencia Galega de Calidade Alimentaria-Estación de Viticultura e Enoloxía de Galicia (AGACAL-EVEGA)
  • University of Santiago de Compostela (Projects and Planning research group-PROEPLA)
  • Galician University-Enterprise Foundation (FEUGA)

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